
Repairing hardware, Upgrades, Restoring old hardware, Retro-bright Technics, Recapping, Mods etc..

13 11, 2020

Upgrade Dell Inspiron MINI 1018

By |2020-11-13T16:38:18+01:00November 13th, 2020|Repairs|Comments Off on Upgrade Dell Inspiron MINI 1018

Recently I had the chance to upgrade Dell Inspiron Mini 1018 with RAM and SSD hard drive in order to get better performance. As always, before I start any work, I tried to find what Google says on this subject, but there was very little information. Before the changes, boot to the working status of the [...]

11 11, 2020

Dim Gadgets LED Lights

By |2020-11-12T10:38:51+01:00November 11th, 2020|Repairs|Comments Off on Dim Gadgets LED Lights

For every device we have that features a very subtle indicator light, we have easily a half dozen that feature LED's so bright you can read by them. We’re confident most of you are in the same boat as more companies than not just love to put a big bright LED on their product. [...]

11 11, 2020

Flashing a corrupted BIOS chip

By |2020-11-12T10:42:29+01:00November 11th, 2020|Repairs|Comments Off on Flashing a corrupted BIOS chip

YOU ARE GOING TO NEED A SPARE BIOS CHIP, SO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR SPARE BIOS CHIP IS COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR CORRUPTED BOARD. Note: You could always flash your bad/corrupted BIOS chip in another motherboard that is compatible with the BIOS chip. The Procedure (ONLY DO THIS IF YOU VERIFIED COMPATIBILITY): 1. You first need [...]

11 11, 2020

Quiet computer fans

By |2020-11-11T22:38:15+01:00November 11th, 2020|Repairs|Comments Off on Quiet computer fans

Most computers have three cooling fans, one inside the power supply, one on the case itself, and one on the CPU. Of course, each of these cooling fans is designed to keep the whole system as cool as possible by generating a constant airflow inside the case that will bring cool air in while moving [...]

11 11, 2020

Fix your old motherboard

By |2020-11-12T10:42:59+01:00November 11th, 2020|Repairs|Comments Off on Fix your old motherboard

The last hardware problem that I faced was corrupted computer motherboard. After a full and detailed review concluded that the problem causing the two bad capacitors. Replacing a capacitor on a motherboard is a very detailed process and takes a steady hand to achieve. Each capacitor is attached to a motherboard very precisely, using [...]

10 11, 2020

Power supply fan replacement

By |2020-11-12T10:39:11+01:00November 10th, 2020|Repairs|Comments Off on Power supply fan replacement

This is how to replace the fan inside a standard PC Power supply. You may want to do this because the fan is defective, or to install a different type of fan, for example, an illuminated one. In my case, I decided to replace the fan because my cheap power supply's fan started [...]